Friday, February 15, 2013

Surviving Valentines

To the wife that God has planned for me,

Thank you for being patient.

In God's timing, I'll find you and snatch you up. I apologize for taking so long, but God has been teaching me a lot of essential lessons lately, and I'm sure you'll agree that I needed some lessons in patience, wisdom, and maturity.

Over the past few years, I've come to appreciate Valentines day. "But you're not even dating!" Valid observation, Milicent Bystander. Do I love my mom only on Mother's day? Of course not. Do I remember Christ's resurrection only on Easter Sunday? No. Do I value romantic relationships only on February 14th? Incorrectamundo! A surging majority of our culture would like to do away with the entire mushy day with all its nonsense, but I'll be that little irritating voice of disagreement. It's still pertinent to have a day set aside to memorialize romantic sentiment. The holidays set in this country honor noble things, such as July 4th, President's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and 9/11. Loving relationships are something we should honor and applaud, not subdue.

Dear future wife, thank you for surviving Valentines, waiting for me to get my rear in gear. Some day, I'll make it up to you. Until then, I'm intent on serving God in the calling He has for me, which currently requires that I stay single. It isn't a bad deal, truthfully. I just got finished with an incredible evening of Bible study with some of my manfriends. One of the regular attendees couldn't make it tonight because he spent the evening with his recently-acquired wife. (Don't worry, I won't say your name, Nevin. We don't judge you.)

Now, when God brings you along, I'd trade all my manfriends and a wheelbarrow of bacon cheese fries for you, but at this point I hope the Lord takes His time. I need every spare day to keep growing and learning.

I found an inspirational post on Mark Muldez's tumbler, which you can visit here 

To My Future Wife: 

God's teaching me His way to love, so I can truly love you.
I'm not going to follow this world's standard of "dating" 
theory & chase women for temporary relationships.
I'm chasing God & letting Him handle this crucial aspect of
my life. I tell you the truth, and you can count on me on this, 
that my heart belongs to you and "worldly dating" is not
part of my plans. But for now, wherever you are right now, 
I'm praying for you & that God would be with you always to 
comfort you, protect you and strengthen you until the day
God brings us both together in union.

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