Ohhhhhhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaaan that was not white hot chocolate like I expected.
It was coffee.
I drank half of it, because I'm a Mennonite and I paid good money for the drink.
That was 4 hours ago.
So. Much. Caffeine.
"Autumn Delight" is my favorite flavor.
It has cinnamon and some type of delicious nutmeg? I don't even know.
And lots of whipped cream oh man that gets me.
I asked for it in white hot chocolate, because that's the proper way to drink it.
In fact, that's how it's sold. 'Autumn Delight' flavored white hot chocolate.
I enunciated that I'd prefer not to have coffee in it. "Not a mocha or anything, please."
Coffee sneaks up and attacks me when I least expect it.
I was meeting with a potential roommate. Ryan is a nice kid, he's going to move in with me.
We met at the coffee shop, but he asked for a tour of my place. I said, "Sure! But let me grab a drink first. Oh, and I don't have my car."
That was four hours and thirty-five minutes ago.
The first sip declared its betrayal. "I'm not what you thought I waaaaaas! Tee hee, I'm coffee!"
I had expected a creamy, chocolatey, sugar-coma in a cup.
I got this weirdish burnt flavor deeply inherent of coffee, desperately trying to hide behind the cheery "Autumn Delight" flavorings.
It was the best coffee I've had yet, but also the worst "Autumn Delight" flavored drink I've had yet.
So I gave the rest of it to my Dad when he came to pick me up. Ryan can't drive but Jesse can and so they drove me to my place but I was stranded there because my car was at Dad's place and he had dropped me off to meet with Ryan because work went late today and I had promised to meet at the coffee shop but I was late.
Dad liked the drink. "Wow, this is really good!" He said between sips.
My flight leaves for Ghana in 61 hours.
I calculate this caffeine will wear off at roughly the same time. Coincidental.
OH MAN WHAT WAS THAT NOISE oh it was just a mouse getting caught in the mousetrap I have hidden in the cupboard. That's the fourth mouse in two days.
I've got quite a bit of my packing done which is nice but I think I'm over-packing. I don't think my suitcase is near 50 lbs yet but I don't really know how to tell because I don't have a bathroom scale. If I could pick up myself and then just shoot for packing 5/17ths of that weight, I could probably figure it out, in 61 hours. Coincidental.
Coffee is like an evil arch-nemesis, taunting me. "I smell nice!" It shouts.
Coffee smells really nice.
"A hot drink on a cold day, eh?" it hisses pleasantly.
It was cold today. Windy and cold. 34 degrees maybe? I'm not used to the cold yet.
"You'll like me eventually!"
Evil, evil, evil. Maybe I will like coffee someday, but it'll take repeated surprises in which I was totally expecting a big cup of Not Coffee.
"Just." My tongue is thick and won't behave. "Just. Lem, lemmesleep."
Our customers aren't used to the cold yet.
We've been busy at work. Busy, busy, busy. I'm going to be working on Saturday a little, to catch up.
"No big deal ya pansy."
Some people work every Saturday but I don't because that's my day to not work. That's a perk of my not-on-Saturday job. But it's okay this time because it's not the whole Saturday, just for a little bit to do paperwork before I leave for Ghana. Not coincidental, it just is that way. Plus I need extra hours for all the hours I've missed on my previous trips out-of-state.
I've put in a lot of hours this week. Over 40 and its not even Friday yet.
In the future people won't talk about how many hours-a-week they work. They'll inform people how many hours-a-week they sleep.
"I just put in a 15-hour week, Jesserting!"
"Impossible! You actually got 3 hours of sleep a night, Glasterson? Unheard of!"
"You better believe it, buddy."
There will be cool, weird names in the future but they'll still use the word "buddy" for some odd reason.
Oh I'm tired. So tired. So very very tired.
There's a large gnome or maybe a medium-sized midget with a tiny rubber hammer smacking my forehead.
Hey, rubber hammers hurt still, in case you were wondering.
All that to say, really, I have a headache.
Most likely the caffeine from the coffee is wearing off. But not in the usual "I'm just going to become less and less effective, passively." way. This particular caffeine trip is hanging by its claws to the edge of a cliff and it's using the creases in my forehead for hand-holds.
So instead of waiting for the caffeine to fall, I'll just jump into the crevasse. Because that crevasse looks like a queen-sized bed full of blankets.
The caffeine will never see it coming.
60.5 hours to go, but only for Ghana, not caffeine's grip on me.
Haha, I win, coffee.
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