"Why do bad things happen to good people if that Jesus character is as
powerful as you say He is?" many have asked. God is in the business of
changing lives, but because He has promised to give us free choice, He
never forces that change on us. This may be a simple concept, but simple
is not equated with easy. We get to choose our own way, but we reap the
consequences of it as well.
Despite the overall badness of our society, God Himself is good. He is
so good. These two-dimentional words on a screen that you're reading right now cannot portray the depth of emotions that flood through one's heart and soul when the Creator of the universe bends down and whispers, "I love you, my child."
There have been many times that Abba Father has whispered His favor to me, but each time is fresh and unique and unforgettable. How often I forget that God is truly
relational and wants nothing more than time spent with His children. I'm grateful for His constant reminders.
Seeing others experience that same connection with their Heavenly Father is incredibly rewarding. I had the pleasure of participating in a
Land of Promise conference this past week where I saw men and women removing hindrances between them and their Maker and basking in His love. Our group of 160, though strangers to each other, felt completely at home worshiping and praying and crying and generally behaving like we'd all been swept up in the Charismatic Movement. It was truly glorious.
Seeing a famous person's life changed in the same manner is a rare treat, so I was floored when I saw the radical life-change and equally radical testimony of Lacey Sturm. Don't know who she is? Well hold on to your suspenders, I'm about to tell you.